- a = 1
- b = 3
- m = 25
- n = 26
- o = 24
- z = 2
This is not exactly the most intuitive way to number the alphabet, and it certainly makes it hard to evaluate a given word as the typical mapping we're used to (a=1, b=2...) doesn't help. I gave up after a few minutes and told her she should learn to program to solve the problem.
She wasn't too thrilled with that idea, but here's my simple Haskell solution:
import Char (isUpper)
values :: [(Char, Int)]
values = zip (interleave ['a'..'m'] ['z','y'..'n']) [1..26]
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave (x:xs) (y:ys) = x : y : interleave xs ys
interleave _ _ = []
charValue :: Char -> Int
charValue c = case lookup c values of
Nothing -> 0
Just v -> v
wordValue :: String -> Int
wordValue = foldl (\s c -> s + charValue c) 0
goodWord :: String -> Bool
goodWord word@(x:_) = (not $ isUpper x) && wordValue word == 100
goodWord [] = False
main :: IO ()
main = interact (unlines . filter goodWord . lines)
Just feed it a list of words, like the handy /etc/dictionaries-common/words and away it goes...
$ ./DollarWords < /etc/dictionaries-common/words
$ ./DollarWords < /etc/dictionaries-common/words | wc -l
So, if I was to unleash this on her poor unsuspecting teachers, her team would rocket ahead with \$652,000! But I guess that wouldn't be fair since she didn't write the program...
I'd love to see other versions of solutions for this problem.
I would write something, but it would cost you $652,000...
ReplyDeleteGreat problem. Haskel seems to be the first programming language that I cannot somewhat understand at a quick scan.
ReplyDeleteHi Michael,
ReplyDeleteSo, if you come at haskell from a typical programming mindset, yes, it's hard to read. But with a couple of tricks, it get's easier. I'll do up a post that explains the above code in detail for you.
hi daddy!
ReplyDeletecool program i wish i could use the program but i guess that would be unfair, although everyone has stopped trying and kinda has forgotten about it.... :( oh well..............
thank you